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Miracles Are Real

Lord! In this season, this was the thought I woke up with on the first day of December 2020.

I want a miracle. It is okay to want one. I am reminded as I said it out loud that it took me a long time before I came to the knowledge of the things I can ask God as His child. I never knew it was even okay to pray asking for money. I mean calling it out money. Now I know.

I desired something new and I asked myself- is this desire not too unusual? Can this really happen for me? God reminded me that it was possible and He said it was called *Iyanu* – *miracle*. The word Iyanu is Yoruba language word from Nigeria, West Africa. This word reminded me of a song entitled “I encounter miracle” by a gospel artist called Tope Alabi. The lyrics informs that:

I reflected on this miraculous account and asked myself what happened to just drinking water? However, I agreed with myself that well! Why not? If one so desire a wine miracle, why not?

I must not forget that Tope Alabi in her song, mentioned the greatest miracle of all. Jesus Christ who gave us life through His death. He died so that all impossibilities can become possibilities, by the happening of a miracle.All these refreshed me and brought me to a place of acceptance that I can actually pray to receive this miracle. And if it is God’s will, it will happen for me as I desire.

This new month, which is the last month of 2020, will always remind me of the time I conceived this desire. I am not giving God a timeline because I have walked long enough with God to know that He does His miracle just in time. Do you believe in miracles?

Do you have a desire like myself and you know that hmmmm except a miracle happens? One thing though- ensure your desire is not selfish… 😁

Now, take it to God in prayer – miracles are real and they do happen. Keep asking and wait for it to come to fulfilment. Lord! I want a miracle.

Happy New Month


I love writing, singing, cooking, reading and I enjoy life. I believe that life comes in seasons and these seasons could be challenging, discouraging, joyful and when you find yourself in any of this season, embrace it, learn from it, and above all, never ever give up..

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