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Positioning Yourself for Greatness in the Months Ahead

I am a privileged Sunday School Teacher and I thought my children last Sunday 2 similar topics: Honoring God with what we hear, and see. I emphasized more than anything on the key word POSITIONING. In order for your ears and eyes not to hear or see evil, you have to position yourself rightly.

We are always quick to say out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks but how does abundance of whatever we possess comes to be in our hearts. It is simply by hearing and seeing. We become aware perhaps through hearing or seeing first and it triggers an imagination, thoughts, wants or desire.

David positioned himself to remain in Jerusalem when his men went to war. So, he walked around the roof of the palace one evening, yes he had the right to do so. However, when he first saw Bathsheba, he could have looked away immediately but he positioned himself to see and what he saw triggered a desire.

Some have positioned themselves not to guide what they hear or see in order to guard their hearts. I once wrote about a female group on Facebook. My friend added me but I started seeing alarming discussions. I reached out to my friend to ask if she added me by mistake and she responded she left a long time ago when she saw the trends, she apologized for not calling my attention to her own action. It was not a problem because by then, I know who I am. I am positioning myself for greatness in thoughts and character; therefore, It is not only paramount that I ignore the misguided counsel, but also important that I leave the group immediately.

Believe me, through those misguided counsels; some people will re-position themselves negatively.

This is the time to take heed of what you feed your minds with, either by hearing or seeing. What kind of books do you read, to acquire knowledge? What music do you listen to? What company do you keep or whom do you listen to?

I am moving away from encouraging you to have faith in yourself and not give up or lose hope. I am moving away from telling you to have courage, go after the right skill set or put plans in place in order to achieve your goals. I am saying that though you have all the above, without positioning yourself rightly to receive, the months ahead may be futile.

Choose not to ignore being in the right place at the right time to hear and see good. If you want to change your life, you need to change what and whom you listen to and see.

Above all, do not be the man or woman with faith but with the wrong mindset. I encourage you to set your mind straight through what you hear and see.

Happy New Month and Best Wishes for the Coming Months.


I love writing, singing, cooking, reading and I enjoy life. I believe that life comes in seasons and these seasons could be challenging, discouraging, joyful and when you find yourself in any of this season, embrace it, learn from it, and above all, never ever give up..

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