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Ask to Receive

I always thought that it was selfish to ask God things. It is true that God’s promise is eternal life however; we have entitlement to extra blessings by the virtue of being His child. Of course I ask him for direction but I always thought somethings are too small to take to God, now I know better and no matter what it is, I just go to Him.

Yesterday, someone asked for counsel on his career and after counseling him, I added, do not forget to ask. Go to *this and that* person, tell them your capability and tell them what you want to do. I said remember ask and it shall be given.

Then I went on to reflect on the power of asking especially from my little children. I thought them to always ask. I said to them; do not be afraid to ask. It is possible that you will not receive every time you ask based on one reason or the other, but ask.

I may be wrong but parents naturally choose what our children will eat. We decide, “this morning, it’s going to be bread, sausage and orange juice”, but does it ever occur to us that they might not really feel like eating that meal we have decided on, but as Parents we force them. I have done it in the past. You have to eat this. Other times, I will add be grateful. Yes, we have to remind them to be grateful but we should always learn to say the right thing at the right time and in the right circumstances. I have found my children are getting smarter, they always ask nicely mummy please can we have ‘this’ for dinner? I will respond yes you can and if I do not want them to have it, I will tell them the reason. Most times they repeat the reason after me (on their own). I have had days my older son will say mummy can I have just yogurt tonight, touching his tummy like it is full already. I have had other times they have just finished a heavy meal and wanted something more and I gladly said no. In short, I am learning to listen to my children and at the same time, act appropriately.

Therefore, I encourage you to ask and it shall be given. I encourage knocking and the door shall be opened. Seek and you shall find. If for any reason you are not receiving, feel free to ask God why, He is your father. God himself ask us as parents that who amongst us will his child ask him for bread and give the child stone. That how much more Himself our heavenly Father. As I always say if He does not grant it, it may be because He sees it is not good for you.

I found these thought provoking quotes and I will share them with you:

  • Don’t be shy about asking for help. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, it only means you are wise
  • He who asks a question remains a fool for five minutes, he who does not ask remains a fool forever, and
  • There is no harm in asking.

It is not our place to conclude that God or the person we are to ask from will not do it, therefore if need be, ask; if you need help, ask; and if you want it, ask.


I love writing, singing, cooking, reading and I enjoy life. I believe that life comes in seasons and these seasons could be challenging, discouraging, joyful and when you find yourself in any of this season, embrace it, learn from it, and above all, never ever give up..


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