I am not a lazy person and luxury is not my cup of tea. I have been in situations of urgent need and I have come to understand that when you have much pressing and vital needs in life, you will not think of luxury.

I have shared on a number of occasions when my husband and I were without jobs. I was in the kitchen cooking one day when a Gospel TV reached out to me that they would like me to have a segment where I would give word of hope to people and they would like it to be regular.

Of course, the phone conversation ended and I said sarcastically, God “You hear that, my life seems to have no hope but now I am been asked to give word of hope to others. I continued, I do not know what I will say o”. I heard God respond, Feyikemi, I will make your faith stand. Up until now, I sometimes reflect on God’s response of making my faith stand when it appears I was not demonstrating any. I believe He was telling me I will bring you to a place where you will not have to doubt me anymore but trust and wait on me (God). I thanked God for that promise, embraced it immediately and started praying. God then put a desire in my heart. I started praying to God to bless me with money. Not money to boast or to say I have arrived but money to be able to meet my needs, to bless others that are in need and after meeting my needs, and blessing others I said God I want money to remain in my pockets.


It is only if you have really been in need, or you have had to approach an unapproachable person for financial help to meet a need that you will understand the prayer above.

And, I give God the glory, for answered prayers.

I also realised that God blessed me with an additional privilege. I started getting plenty for little. I remember vividly buying things for my children. We had calculated and thought oh! these things are a bit expensive; we will take from this budget and add to ensure we buy them for our children. They were vital needs. I remember picking the needed items and arriving at the till, the amount I was supposed to pay was slashed into half. I gave the young lady who was the cashier a look that made her respond on time, and she said they are on sale. I said I did not even realise. This is a tiny example from the numerous examples I can give of spending little for plenty or investing little to have plenty.

I pray for you today that you shall not be stressed. You will not toil and toil before you eat, because God will bring you to a place of absolute rest and assurance in Him. I encourage you to activate your faith in God and see Him bless you with all your immediate needs and when you are not making luxury your cup of tea, He will drop them on your laps.

I pray God will make you a blessing unto many others.

Great shall your peace be in life. Amen