Someone was supposed to join me on a project, this person did or could not. However the person told me a lie as to why they could not.
When I was being told they would join me on the project, my spirit told me it was a lie and I scolded myself asking “why are you thinking that way”? At the same time I reminded myself that this is not the only person I have invited to get involved.  My spirit didn’t say that about other people.
On the day we had this project carried out, of course I didn’t see this person and it didn’t occur to me until long after we had finished the project.
When I eventually saw this person, I was told a lie. I said it was a lie because God made them choose an occurrence that I have adequate knowledge of. As I was being told, I was thinking oh so unfortunate, you could have chosen another lie 🙂
Now I didn’t judge them and I am not judging them.
However it served as a great lesson to me not on lies only but what I call premeditated and spontaneous white lies.
Before I proceed with the dangers of telling lies, I want to share with you what God said to me.
I was in awe of the spirit of God that said to me even before we had this project done that this person was lying and I also began to reflect on many other happenings and how God had revealed before hand and afterwards what the truth is. God reminded me as I was in this reflective mood that the secret of the Most High are with those that fear the Lord. So when you do and do not ask for those secrets, He will reveal them to you because you walk in His fear..
Moving forward, we all tell lies or have done at many times in our lives. Some of us have even tagged our lies white lies and we believe that they are in no way harmful. However, I beg to differ that they are.
The greatest lesson I learnt from this episode of mine is to never lie again, especially on those we call white lies. Of course it will be hard but God will help. I have been reflecting and I thought, “someone has found me out too on a lie”. And it made me shiver.
Another lesson I also learnt is that not everything is about us. On the first hand, the lie was unnecessary because the project was not about this person. I can’t do it or I cannot participate this time would have worked because like I said we didn’t even notice this person was not around. Sometimes people invite us to participate in things because they have respect for us or they believe it is something we can benefit from.
On the other hand, I also learnt it is not my place to judge this person and so I can say it is not about me dwelling on the fact that they lied to me, but  to learn a lesson and come to knowledge and acceptance that finally, Lies are no no.
Finally, the greatest lesson and the dangers in lying: lies will only marr our integrity and credibility. Nothing more. It may cause us to lose out on something that may be beneficial to us, because if we cannot be honest or faithful in little, how can we be with much….
Another danger is that people may begin to see us as a self serving person which will also undermine trust…and believe me when we lose trust, it is hard to earn it back.
Telling lies could also make us evil. It leaves no room for conscience as we may have to defend a previous lie by telling another and it goes on. It does not allow repentance unless we become conscious of oneself and change.
Friedrich Nietzsche said ” I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
Mark Twain said ” If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
And finally, it is better to offer no excuse than a bad one_ George Washington.
I encourage you to think on these*